Ostara is happy announce that the winner of our Service Grant is Kids4Peace! Their organization brings together Muslim, Jewish, Christian and other youth for interfaith dialogues and leadership development. As a global interfaith youth movement, they are dedicated to ending conflict and inspiring hope in divided societies around the world.
Kids4Peace accomplishes these goals through two key initiatives: the Kids4Peace Community and Kids4Peace Outreach.
The Kids4Peace Community consists of youth in grades 6-12 who take part in summer and school-year programs, featuring monthly meetings, overnight retreats, intensive summer experiences, and community service projects.
Kids4Peace Outreach consists of a range of programs that reach the broader Seattle community through workshops, public events, and other special opportunities.
Ostara is looking forward to working with Kids4Peace to help maximize the impact of their already amazing work.
In addition, we’re happy to announce that for the 3 runners up – AGE UP, Skate Like a Girl, and Tasveer – Ostara will offer a fundraising workshop with their teams to show our appreciation for what they do. In this two-hour training, Ostara Founder and CEO Kyle Halmrast will highlight both basic and more advanced fundraising concepts, with work around relationship cultivation, engagement techniques, moves management execution, and storytelling.
We’re looking forward to giving back to the amazing work that our community is doing. Thanks so much to everyone who applied!