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Letter from Kyle: Ostara Day!

We would love to hear how your organization has been adapting to provide services to your clients and how we can support you during this time. Please reach out to us online here.

Once again Spring has sprung! And all I can say is, thank goodness!  After 2+ year of a global pandemic, a social justice reckoning that is both long overdue and nowhere near its completion, and a world very nearly gone mad, it feels like we all need a bit of extra sunshine in our lives these days.

So, like I do each year at this time, I’d like to share a little Happy Ostara message.

I’ve been asked the meaning of Ostara countless times, and for me, it’s both personal and profound.  But when I named this company in 2009, I never imagined how much its significance would resonate today, thirteen years later.  

You see, Ostara is about new beginnings.  Making a fresh start. Weathering the hard times and embracing the new period of growth that will surely follow. (Given what we’ve all been through, and are still going through, I’d say we’ve certainly earned a bit of an emotional reprieve.)

So, I encourage all of you to take a moment, take a breath, and acknowledge how alive you are and how much what you do every day means to those in your community.  It’s important, difficult, and transformational work.  It can, and often does, take a toll.  But it can also uplift, engage and energize us. 

It’s a new world today.  There are new paradigms, new technologies, and new opportunities around every corner.  There are also challenges the likes many of us have never experienced before.

These challenges are not lost on us. We didn’t just skate through these two years unscathed.  Many of our long-time clients know that we’ve had our own opportunities for change.

But we’re leaning into this change with our eyes, and our hearts, wide open.  We’re re-focusing and re-doubling our efforts to meet the needs of our clients as they navigate this new world.  In the coming months, you’ll see announcements about new Ostara team members, and new Ostara service offerings as we do the same. 

We hope you reach out if you need help, or if you just want someone to run an idea by.  We’ve always made it a significant part of our company ethos to be here for you.  If you know anything about Ostara, you know that.

What tomorrow (or even later today!) might bring, we can’t know for sure.  But we can support each other.  We can help each other.  We can create new beginnings for our community, our families, our world.  Let’s make that happen…together.

Happy Ostara!

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