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FamilyWorks Seattle

Equity in Education Cover

FamilyWorks Seattle

2022 - 2024


Campaign Planning, Development Planning, Interim Leadership


Food Security

FamilyWorks operates a food bank and family resource center in North Seattle. They partner with families to alleviate food insecurity and ensure they have resources and support to overcome systemic barriers to equity, build stable communities, and thrive.

In 2022, FamilyWorks was beginning work on a new strategic plan, which included a vision for a new Family Resource Center facility and renovations to their existing foodbank. At the time, they needed both campaign planning support as part of this process, as well as interim Development leadership.

Ostara had an existing relationship with FamilyWorks from some prior planning and facilitation work. With our expertise in annual fundraising, capital campaigns and the food security sector, we customized a team and approach that met their needs for both launching their vision and sustaining their fundraising program and team. Together, we soon transitioned to campaign counsel as they embarked on their most ambitious capital campaign ever, which included new and renovated facilities, expanding critical programming and boosting their investment in staff.

The vision is becoming a reality in phases under excellent leadership as the new Family Resource Center opened its doors in 2023 and fundraising accelerated from public, foundation and private funders. Food Bank renovations are underway in 2024, and the momentum of the campaign has delivered new opportunities to grow their goal and impact in the community. As is always Ostara’s goal, the staff and volunteer team’s capacity to fundraise has also increased, which will ensure financial success through the campaign and well beyond.

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